Sporting Event Services

The New Smyrna Beach Area Visitors Bureau is happy to assist you in any way possible with your sporting event. If you are interested in hosting a sporting event and/or tournament in our area, we would be happy to send an RFP out to our partners on your behalf to secure you a field or facility and set up a room block for your team if you are planning on staying overnight. Please email if you are interested.

If you would like to receive team bags containing maps, visitor guides and other information pertaining to the New Smyrna Beach area, please contact the New Smyrna Beach Area Visitors Bureau at 386-428-1600. We would be happy to put those together for you. The general rule is one bag per team member. There are a number of attractions to experience and entertainment opportunities in our area. Our staff has extensive knowledge of the area and can help you plan scheduled activities by providing itineraries and arranging visits to local attractions. Please contact the New Smyrna Beach VB if you are interested!

new smyrna beach

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